Saints Speak from Mrs. Marshall - 2/13/2025 - This Time of Year Can Be Challenging
Hopefully your children had a chance to play in the snow yesterday before today’s cold set in. As a reminder, we have no school tomorrow (teacher professional development) or Monday (Presidents Day). Enjoy the long weekend!
Our saint this week is St. Vitus, the patron saint of oversleeping! This time of year can be challenging in many ways. The days are gray and cold, we are battling one illness after another, and we sometimes wish we could snooze the alarm clock and go back to sleep. Consider saying a prayer to St. Vitus and asking for a little extra energy to get moving in the morning!
DDA Update
Are you getting excited about DDA yet? I hope so! Get your early bird tickets and reserve your babysitters now! If you’re new this year and don’t have a table, don’t worry! We’ll seat you with other families from your grade level.
It’s also not too early to get in on this year’s amazing raffles! Click here to purchase tickets for the 50/50 or tuition credit raffle!
Cultural Day
On Tuesday we had a fantastic Cultural Day! Thank you to Senora Myers and her team of teachers and students for planning a fun assembly and special day for us to celebrate our many cultures and learn from one another. The children heard other languages, learned about other cultures, and discussed the importance of respect for all. I’ve attached a couple pictures!
Classroom Spotlight
Last week, our 8th graders finished their physics unit, where they learned all about forces and motion, by designing their own “egg cars.” The cars had to minimize momentum to keep the egg from cracking as it went down a steep ramp in the classroom. It was a lot of fun and a true test of perseverance and teamwork! Click here for a couple videos of the fun!
Next Friday, February 21st, come out to celebrate our 8th grade basketball players at the Blue Out! The 8th grade girls team plays at 6pm followed by the 8th grade boys team at 7pm. All ASCA students who attend and show their school spirit will earn an Out of Uniform Pass!
Parish News
Our neighbor Saints Peter and Paul Parish is hosting an evening for fathers and men called Spiritual Fatherhood According to St. John Bosco on Thursday, February 27th, at 6:30pm in their ministry center. All fathers and men are invited to this presentation by Dr. Paul Hilliard, focused on applying the wisdom of St. John Bosco to the parenting challenges of the present day.
Extracurricular Activities
The spring session of Robothink is now open! Click here for more information and to register your child.
Saintly Acts
Congratulations to the following students who earned Saintly Acts this week: Ella C. (5th grade), Blakely D. (3rd grade), Oliver H. (1st grade), Dakota J. (1st grade), Audrey K. (3rd grade), Hudson M. (5th grade), Alex E. Y. (Kdg), and Blaise Z. (1st grade). Keep being saintly!
Have a wonderful long weekend, and Happy Valentine's Day!
Margie Marshall

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A Tremendous Thank You to the Diamond, Platinum, and Cornerstone Sponsors of our 2024 Dinner Dance Auction (DDA): Masquerade Gala

We hope that you will support these generous benefactors of All Saints with your business. Please thank them, and let them know that you are an All Saints school family.