Saints Speak from Mrs. Marshall - 10/12/2023 - Goodness Always Re-emerges
Today’s message from Pope Francis reminds us that love and goodness always prevail:

“However dark things are, goodness always re-emerges and spreads. Each day in our world beauty is born anew.”
These words are especially fitting this time of year, as the days are getting shorter, darker, and colder. In my own house I’ve having to explain to my children why it’s no longer appropriate to wear shorts every day, why it’s still dark when we get up in the morning, and why we have less time to play outside in the evening before the sun sets. These changes are tough and can drain us of our energy, but we know that seasons will continue to change and summer will eventually return. In a similar way, whatever metaphorical darkness we face, goodness and the light of Christ will always triumph. Let us continue to have hope and seek out the light!
Halloween is Tuesday, October 31st, and we know your kids are excited! Parents are welcome to join us for a K-5 Costume Parade at 2pm on the Recess Pad, weather permitting. Please see more details for each Academy below.
- Preschool (Swanson & Sommer): Students may come to school in their costumes. Parents are welcome to join us for a costume parade at 8:30 in the gym. Class parties will be 8:45-9:45am.
- Preschool (Greco): Mrs. Greco’s class will celebrate on MONDAY, 10/30. Students may come to school in their costumes. Parents are welcome to join us for a costume parade at 8:30 in McSherry. Class parties will be 8:45-9:45am.
- Primary Academy (K-2): Students may come to school in their costumes. Students will participate in the Costume Parade at 2pm, and class parties will be at 2:15pm.
- Intermediate Academy (3-5): Students may come to school in their costumes. Students will participate in the Costume Parade at 2pm, and class parties will be at 2:15pm.
- Junior High Academy (6-8): Student Council is planning a Halloween Social for the afternoon! Costumes will not be worn in junior high, but students may be out of uniform if they wear Halloween colors (black, orange, and purple).
For all grade levels, costumes must be appropriate for school. Costumes should be comfortable enough that students can easily sit at a desk and use the bathroom; no weapons, makeup, or masks that cover their eyes. Students are not allowed to pass out candy to one another at school due to allergies. We encourage families to participate in Trunk or Treat and distribute candy there instead!
Please check out this great resource from Sr. Maria that connects Halloween to our Catholic faith. It’s a great reminder that the next day, November 1st, we will celebrate our school’s Feast Day – All Saints Day!
Dinner Dance Auction
Preparation for the 2024 Dinner Dance Auction is underway! You should be receiving a packet today, and we are looking for help on October 20th. Click here for more information!
Invest in Kids
Don’t forget, tonight at 6:30pm Joliet Catholic Academy is hosting a town hall meeting with state representatives to discuss the Invest in Kids program, which needs YOUR support! All are invited to attend and advocate for this program that so many families rely on. Click here for more information!
Bishop Hicks and the other Illinois bishops recently shared this letter expressing their support of the Invest in Kids program. Please take a few minutes to read this important letter from our bishops.
All School Panoramic Photo Orders
It’s not too late to turn in an order for this year’s All Saints All School Panoramic Photo. Click here for the order form. Orders will be accepted through this Monday, October 16th.
Saintly Acts
Congratulations to these students who earned Saintly Acts the last two weeks: Natalie T. (4th grade), Will P. (8th grade), Evan D. (5th grade), Iva B. (1st grade), Ella M. (1st grade), Zoe P. (1st grade), Charlotte P. (1st grade), Aldo B. (8th grade), Camila G. (2nd grade), Sam K. (2nd grade), Layla M. (2nd grade), and all of 4A. Keep being Saintly!
Warm regards,
Margie Marshall

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A Tremendous Thank You to the Cornerstone Sponsors of our 2023 Dinner Dance Auction (DDA): Great Gatsby Gala

Cornerstone Sponsors

We hope that you will support these generous benefactors of All Saints with your business. Please thank them, and let them know that you are an All Saints school family.