Event date: 10/6/2022 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM Export event Patty Bajek / Thursday, September 29, 2022 / Categories: School Events Parent Teacher Conferences – No Classes You can now sign up for conferences in SchoolSpeak! You will find the sign up under Quick Links for your child’s grade level. Preschool – Grade 5 Conferences with homeroom teachers will be 15 minutes long from 10am-7pm. Parents should sign up for one conference per child only. JH (Grades 6-8) Junior high conferences will be 10 minutes long from 9am-7pm. PIease review your child’s grades in advance and only schedule conferences for those classes in which you have concerns or questions. If your child is doing well and you have no concerns or questions, we encourage you to conference with the homeroom or one core subject teacher, or to reach out via email for a simple check-in rather than scheduling a conference. Resource and Specials For resource teachers (Mrs. Carden and Mrs. Kujawa) and specials teachers (Mrs. Breunig, PK-8th Art; Mrs. Hepburn, PK-5th Spanish; Mrs. Weisz, K-8th STEAM; Mrs. Aiello, PK-8th P.E.; Ms. Sipll, PK-8th Music), please contact the teacher directly via email if you would like to schedule a conference. We look forward to seeing you on October 6th! Print 284
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