Event date: 1/26/2022 1:00 PM Export event Patty Bajek / Tuesday, August 24, 2021 / Categories: School Events Faculty Development Day - 1 PM Early Dismissal There will be an early dismissal at 1 pm on the following four Friday afternoons for faculty development: October 6, 2021 December 1, 2021 January 26, 2021 May 11, 2022 K-8 Dismissal Please plan to pick up your K-8 student(s) at 1:00 pm at their usual door. Preschool dismissal Preschool 3 half day students will be picked up at their normal dismissal time – 11:15 am – at their normal door - Door 5. All other preschool students (Preschool 3 full day students and all Pre K 4 students – half and full day) who do not have a K-8 sibling or who will not be staying for after school care will be picked up at 12:30 pm at Door 1 (main entrance beneath the stained glass windows facing Aurora Avenue), entering the campus through ASCA’s eastern entrance, and parking along the curb facing north at Door 1 for loading. Preschool 3 (full day) and Pre K 4 (full and half day) students who have K-8 siblings or who will be going to after school care will be dismissed at 1 pm, and taken to after school care or united with their K-8 sibling at Door 7. Afterschool care will be available from 1 - 4 pm on this day. There will be no busing to or from school on this day. Bus riders – please be sure to secure alternate transportation. Print 1784
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