Deadline for Out of Uniform Fundraiser benefiting the ASCA Class of 2020
Today is the deadline to turn in your form and payment for the Out of Uniform Fundraiser benefiting the ASCA Class of 2020.
You can also view the form by clicking here.
Out-of-Uniform fundraiser days are offered by the current 7th grade class (Class of 2020) to raise money for its 8th grade trip next year. By participating in this fundraiser, your child can enjoy a total of 5 Out-of-Uniform days. The Class of 2020 thanks you for your generous support!
Out-of-Uniform fundraiser days are:
• Friday, November 9, 2018
• Thursday, December 20, 2018
• Thursday, February 14, 2019
• Friday, March 22, 2019
• Friday, May 17, 2019
The cost to participate is:
• $20 (per child) to participate in the Prepaid Package for all 5 Out-of-Uniform days (with a $50 MAXIMUM per family)
• $10 (per child) Drop-in Rate for each individual Out-of-Uniform Day