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Tuesday, March 11, 2025

School Calendar

Keep up with all the happenings at All Saints

Event date: 1/14/2022 Export event
Patty Bajek
/ Categories: School Events

Cash Donation Deadline for our Shine Bright - Light Up the Night Gala - this year's DDA

The Dinner Dance Auction Countdown is ON.  


On Saturday, March 12, 2022, All Saints will be holding its biggest party and largest fundraising event of the school year - our Shine Bright - Light Up the Night Gala.  We are so excited to return to an in person event where we can come together, have fun, and support All Saints Catholic Academy and our students.



First of all ~ Have you Saved the Date?  Are you planning on coming?  The DDA is for everyone!!   The comment that we hear from brand new (and seasoned) attendees over and over is how much fun they had.   So, clear your calendar.  Talk to your friends.  Secure the baby sitter.  The team can even seat you with families from your student's grade level.  You need to be there!  



There are many ways in which you can participate and support the success of this year's auction.  Please take a close look at the following options, as there are important deadlines coming up in January.


1.  Auction Donation

Please consider donating an item to this year's auction. You will receive credit toward your Family Fundraising Obligation (FFO) up to $500 for this school year for the amount your item sells for at the auction. Need some ideas?  Best sellers are vacation getaways, golf outings and outdoor adventures, just to name a few.  Have questions?  Contact the DDA team at  


Click here for the Auction Donation FormThe form and item donations are due no later than Friday, January 21, 2022.


2.  Cash Donation

A cash donation will help the DDA committee to supplement auction items and create more desirable packages. The cash amount (up to $500) directly offsets your Family Fundraising Obligation (FFO). You can make this payment via your FACTS account (if your account is set to auto pay), cash, or check payable to ASCA.


Click here for the Cash Donation Form. The form and your payment is due no later than Friday, January 14, 2022.


3.  Tuition Credit Raffle

It you purchase a ticket for the Tuition Credit Raffle, you could be the lucky winner of a $5,000 tuition credit for the 2022-2023 school year. Tickets are $100 each, and only 150 total tickets will be sold.


Please note the following date change:  Any Tuition Credit Raffle ticket purchased on or before Monday, January 31, 2022 will be entered in an Early Bird Drawing which will be held during Catholic Schools Week (1st week of February).  The winner of the Early Bird Drawing will receive a Fees and Forms credit toward their 2022-2023 student fees, currently valued at up to $390. You don't want to leave that opportunity on the table.  


Tickets are also sold before and after mass each week.  If you don't plan on coming to Mass, you are welcome to stop by the DDA table to purchase a ticket (and meet team members) when you are dropping off your student on Mass days (most Fridays).  


Click here for the Tuition Credit Raffle Form that you can also fill out and return to school.  


The winner of the $5,000 tuition credit will be drawn during the Shine Bright ~ Light Up the Night Gala on Saturday, March 12th, 2022. Please note that Tuition Credit Raffle Ticket purchases do not count toward the FFO.


4.  50/50 Raffle

This is another very popular way to support the DDA, and win some nice cool cash!  The lucky winner will take 50% of the pot, with the other 50% going straight to ASCA for this year's 'Fund a Need' initiative (more details coming soon). 50/50 raffle tickets are available now, and are sold before and after mass each week. Please note that 50/50 Ticket purchases do not count toward the FFO.


5.  Saintly Spot Ad

Celebrate the special moments in your child’s life: their graduation, their First Communion, their sports team or scout troop, or any other special day or event. Ads are only $50, and families can participate together in one ad  recognizing their Saints.  Saintly Spot Ads will be part of the DDA Auction Catalog, and will also be displayed on the school TV in the 1st Floor Hallway.


Click here for the Saintly Spot Ad FormThe Saintly Spot Ad submission deadline is Friday, January 21, 2022.  Please note that Saintly Spot Ad purchases do not count toward the FFO.


6.  Corporate Sponsor/Advertising Opportunities

There are many benefits to be realized by our generous Corporate Sponsors. Corporate sponsors receive recognition during the event with your name and logo as well as your ad copy and artwork in our auction catalog. Your company will be recognized on our auction website with a link to your business, and you will also have the option of having your name and logo on a banner that will be displayed on Aurora Avenue the week of the event.


The deadline to submit your Sponsorship and Adverting Opportunities is Friday, January 21, 2022. 


Click here for Corporate Sponsorship Form. 


Click here for the Advertising Opportunities FormPlease note that Sponsorship or Advertising purchases do not count toward the FFO.


Please direct questions or interest in joining the DDA team to


A hard copy of these DDA forms were sent home with all youngest and only students prior to the start of Christmas Break. 


As always, thank you in advance for your support. We look forward to celebrating with you on March 12. 


The 2022 DDA Committee

«March 2025»

Print the Annual School Calendar

All Saints Catholic Academy
1155 Aurora Ave
Naperville, IL 60540
Phone (630) 961-6125
Fax (630) 961-3771

Quick Links


School Year Hours:  7:30 AM - 4 PM.  Our main entrance during the school year is Door 1.

Summer Office Hours:  9am to Noon (Monday through Thursday) beginning Monday, June 3, 2024 through Wednesday, July 31, 2024.  Please come to Door 7 during the summer months.  Due to summer construction projects, the school may be closed at various times over the summer break.  Please phone first to confirm that the office is open. 


To Report Absences:

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