One-time Physical Scrip Gift Card Order – Order Deadline – Monday, September 21 at 8 AM
To provide an opportunity for ASCA families to get the most out of our school's Scrip program (one of the opportunities that all school families have to earn toward their FFO – Family Fundraising Obligation), WE ARE OFFERING a one-time order of physical Scrip gift cards.
Orders must be placed and waivers received by 8:00 am on Monday, September 21, and cards will be distributed to students to bring home in their backpacks on Friday, September 25. Remember, we will only be able to send gift cards home with students from whom we have received signed and completed waiver forms.
Gift cards will be limited to $250 for each family and will be sent home in student backpacks. You must complete and sign a Scrip Permission for Child-Ward Delivery Waiver – click here for the form - and return it to prior to the order deadline to receive your cards.
If you have a virtual learner, there will be a parent-pickup option (details to follow). We strongly encourage you to order re-loadable cards in low denominations. You can add additional funds to these cards throughout the year to keep earning credit towards your Family Fundraising Obligation (FFO).
If you have any questions, or would like to get started with ordering Scrip, please contact